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Church Aisles
“ Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver  ”

2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV


Make Regular Donation to St. George Church by using Bill Pay 

We offer a convenient and secure way to give online. Your donation will help us maintain our church facilities, support our outreach programs, and provide for those in need. Click here to make a one-time or recurring donation.

1- Log in to your Bank Account ( Checking )

2 - Click on " Serivce " than " Bill Pay "

3 - Click on " Add New Payee "

4 - Enter the Following Church information  


St.George COC

P.O.Box 58074

Fayetteville ,NC ,28074

Phone # (910)527-7509


Account number Leave blank or enter 123


5 - save Payee information

6 - Enter amount you wish to Donate ( ie $100,$300,$1000 )

7 - Select the frequency eg ( eg once every month or every 2 weeks )

8 - Select the Start date 

your choices may be adjusted at any time , if you need them to be . 


We are proud to serve the Coptic Orthodox community in Fayetteville, NC. Our church provides a welcoming and inclusive space for individuals and families to worship, learn, and grow together. Click here to view our photo gallery and see some of the wonderful moments we've shared.

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